#norelated *研究室教員 [#p5dc9aa5] -教授 高柳 敏幸 *発表論文 [#s346800c] +"Theoretical study on the mechanism of low-energy dissociative electron attachment for uracil," T. Takayanagi, T. Asakura, H. Motegi, J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 4795-4801 (2009). +"Path-integral molecular dynamics simulations of small hydrated sulfuric acid clusters H&subsc{2};SO&subsc{4};*(H&subsc{2};O) &subsc{n}; (n = 1-6) on semiempirical PM6 potential surfaces," A. Kakizaki, H.Motegi, T. Yoshikawa, T. Takayanagi, M. Shiga, and M. Tachikawa, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), 901, 1-8 (2009). +"Path-integral molecular dynamics simulations of hydrated hydrogen chloride cluster HCl(H&subsc{2};O) &subsc{4}; on a semiempirical potential energy surface," T. Takayanagi, K. Takahashi, A. Kakizaki, M. Shiga, and M. Tachikawa, Chem. Phys., 358, 196-202 (2009). *学会発表 [#eb6746a7] -第25回化学反応討論会(さいたま, 2009/06/01-03). --"Theoretical study of uracil anion," (埼玉大学) 茂木春樹, 朝倉智子, 高柳敏幸 [口頭発表]. --"Theoretical study of stable helium complex HeBeO," (埼玉大学&super{1};, 北海道大学&super{2};, JAEA&super{3};) 茂木春樹&super{1};, 柿崎陽&super{1};, 高柳敏幸&super{1};, 武次ゆり子&super{2};, 武次徹也&super{2};, 志賀基之&super{3}; [ポスター発表]. -XVIIth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2010 (Innsbruck, Austria. January 24-29, 2010) -XVIIth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2010 (Innsbruck, Austria, 2010/1/24-29) --"Quantum dynamics studies of molecules and clusters," (Saitama univ.) T. Takayanagi [Invited Paper] -The 69th Okazaki Conference on "New Frontier in Quantum Chemical Dynamics" (岡崎, February 21-23, 2010) -The 69th Okazaki Conference on "New Frontier in Quantum Chemical Dynamics" (Okazaki, Japan, 2010/2/21-23) --"Nuclear quantum effects in helium complex and uracil anion," (Saitama univ.) T. Takayanagi [Invited Paper] *外部資金獲得状況 [#i4a4b78f] 2009~11年度 基盤研究(C) 高柳敏幸 "低エネルギー電子による生体分子損傷の第一原理シミュレーション法の開発" 3,800千円