[[活動報告・予告/Annual Reports/永澤・藤原研究室2009]] #norelated *研究室教員 [#j0d9c2e0] -教授 永澤 明 -准教授 藤原 隆司 -助教 ヴィレヌーヴ真澄美 *発表論文 [#se8565c6] Group 12 metal complexes with inner-salt, bis(N,N-disubstituted amino)carbeniumdithiocarboxylate. Asymmetric stretching vibration of thiocarboxylate and reduction potential as probes for the coordination mode Sugaya, Tomoaki; Fujihara, Takashi; Nagasawa, Akira; Unoura, Kei Inorganica Chimica Acta (2009), 362(13), 4813-4822. Linkage isomerism of pentaammine(dimethylsulfoxide)ruthenium(II/III) complexes: A theoretical study Kato, Masaru; Takayanagi, Toshiyuki; Fujihara, Takashi; Nagasawa, Akira Inorganica Chimica Acta (2009), 362(4), 1199-1203. Preparation of some new bicyclic compounds of sulfur Osawa, Yuta; Aoki, Masami; Sato, Ohki; Fujihara, Takashi; Nakayama, Juzo From Journal of Sulfur Chemistry (2009), 30(3-4), 270-277. Emin, Saim M.; Sogoshi, Norihito; Nakabayashi, Seiichiro; Fujihara, Takashi; Dushkin, Ceco D. Kinetics of Photochromic Induced Energy Transfer between Manganese-Doped Zinc-Selenide Quantum Dots and Spiropyrans Journal of Physical Chemistry C ,113, 3998-4007 (2009). Kato, Masaru; Takayanagi, Toshiyuki; Fujihara, Takashi; Nagasawa, Akira Linkage isomerism of pentaammine(dimethylsulfoxide)ruthenium(II/III) complexes: A theoretical study Inorganica Chimica Acta, 362 1199-1203 (2009). Osawa, Yuta; Aoki, Masami; Sato, Ohki; Fujihara, Takashi; *Nakayama, Juzo Preparation of some new bicyclic compounds of sulfur Journal of Sulfur Chemistry, 30, 270-277 (2009). *外部資金獲得状況 [#b9b56354] +平成20~22年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究C「電子溜め機能を持つナノサイズクラスター金属錯体の有機化学的修飾による高機能化」藤原隆司, 3,400千円 +平成20~22年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究C「電子溜め機能を持つナノサイズクラスター金属錯体の有機化学的修飾による高機能化」藤原隆司, 4,420千円